Lietuvos jėzuitų alumnų federacija

Seminaras Belgijoje apie pašaukimą politikai

Dalinamės kvietimu į seminarą Briuselyje!

The Call to Public Life: Reshaping Europe

The European Confederation of Jesuit Alumni/ae (ECJA) and the Jesuit European Social Centre (JESC) jointly organise in Brussels from October 11th to 13th, 2019 the seminar “The Call to Public Life: Reshaping Europe”.

If you are interested entering politics, especially if you are between 25 and 35 years of age - but also if you are older - you are kindly invited to participate at this outstanding seminar which focuses on civility and leadership by shaping our action as Christians to help our countries and Europe navigate through the challenges we are facing.

For more information, visit the website

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